Interpreter & Translator: Pregnancy and Birth Webinar

This webinar will provide you with the information and tools for communicating with clients and clinicians about pregnancy and birth


drawing of interpreter with headset


Fully funded, free to access

Delivery method

Self-paced, online

Who should register?

The webinar aims to cover information from interpreters and translators who are new to reproductive and sexual health to professionals who are looking to further their knowledge in an area they already work in.

Course overview

This webinar has been made with the support of Queensland Health

  • Learn about different aspects of sexual health including pregnancy,  and birth

Language disclaimers

  • Any attempt to define groups of people must acknowledge that all groups are diverse in nature, in terms of culture, education, language(s) spoken, and social and political background etc. So while we use specific terms as a way of conceptualising different groups of people, there is as much diversity within groups as there are between groups
  • Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) is the preferred term for government and some community agencies; whilst this webinar will on occasion use this term, we acknowledge that the blanket use of the term CALD does not always reflect the complexity and breadth of diversity and may reinforce certain assumptions around which groups in are positioned as the norm and which groups are positioned as other
  • This webinar mainly uses the terms migrants and refugees. We also use the term people from refugee and migrant background to acknowledge that once settled in Australia people may no longer identify as a refugee or migrant as well as to include children of migrants and refugees who may face similar (and unique) barriers to health care

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