Cervical Screening for Healthcare Professionals

True's Cervical Screening course provides an education pathway for healthcare professionals new to cervical screening. The course is comprised of three components: 1. Online, self paced learning, 2. One-day face-to-face workshop including teaching associate session. 3. Clinical attachment (can either be done at your own work place with an endorsed preceptor OR can be done at a True clinic with a True nurse educator)


cytology brush



(please note that if you want to undertake your clinical attachment with True, it is an additional fee. 

Clinical attachment at a True clinic is an additional $550

Delivery method


  • Online, self-paced pre-reading
  • Face-to face workshop in Brisbane 
  • Clinical attachment in own workplace with endorsed preceptor OR at a True clinic.

True also offers an online, distance education delivery mode for this course. Click here for more information.

Who should register?

Aboriginal Health Workers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Enrolled Nurses, Registered Midwives, Eligible Midwives and Endorsed Midwives



  • Current AHPRA registration
  • Minimum 12 months post-graduate experience
  • Must work in a setting where cervical screening services are provided
  • Cervical screening must be within scope of practice
  • No prior experience or training in cervical screening necessary


All registered participants must:

  • Complete and upload the Employer Endorsement form
  • Complete and upload the Application for Clinical Preceptorship Endorsement – Cervical Screening

(these forms are provided through our learning management system once you have registered)

Course overview

The Cervical Screening for Healthcare Professionals course provides an education pathway for healthcare professionals new to cervical screening.

For clinicians with previous training and experience in cervical screening and are looking to refresh their skills, True offers two modules on the recent updates in the National cervical Screening Program. Self-Collection in Cervical Screening Update and Changes to the cervical screening intermediate risk pathway. You can also access our Cervical Screening Hub for up to date information on cervical screening in Australia under the National Cervical Screening Program. These updates are free of charge. 


 The Cervical Screening for Healthcare Professionals course is comprised of three (3) components:

 1. Theory

  • Approximately 6 hours of online, self-paced pre-reading completed prior to attending the face-to-face course

2. Workshop

  • 1-day face-to-face workshop which includes simulated clinical practice on pelvic models, history taking and communication techniques, case study discussions, short, lecture- style presentations and a two hour clinical simulation session with female teaching associates.

This final session provides learners with the unique opportunity to develop and enhance their speculum technique in a live, simulated environment. This session does not replace or form any part of the clinical attachment component of the cervical screening course. The session aims to equip learners with the baseline skills required for conducting a speculum examination in the context of cervical screening and provides learners with valuable feedback from the patient's perspective. 

*Clinical Teaching Associates provide a non-threatening learning environment with immediate feedback and guidance from a patient perspective. Participants will have the opportunity to perform up to 3 speculum examinations on a Clinical Teaching Associate in a safe and supportive clinical environment.

3. Clinical attachment

  • Follows successful completion of online modules and workshop components

  • Clinical portfolio is provided to record training

  • A minimum of 7 supervised cervical screens with a preceptor (see below) are required, ensuring competency requirements are met

  • Clinical attachment is to be completed and portfolio submitted within 6 months of the attending the workshop

  • You can undertake your clinical attachment at either your own workplace with an endorsed preceptor or at a True clinic with one of our nurse educators (additional cost). Availability of this option is limited and may not be available at all times. Email ceu@true.org.au as soon as possible to check availability. You can read more about doing your clinical attachment with True here.


 A clinical preceptor teaches, counsels, inspires and serves as a role model to support the growth and development of the cervical screening course participant.  

Essential Requirements of a clinical preceptor: 

  • Current, unconditional registration with AHPRA 

  • Current professional indemnity insurance 

  • Minimum 2 years cervical screening experience  

  • Completed a certified cervical screening training course (Non medical cervical screening providers only) 

Each participant is required to have a workplace preceptor who has been endorsed by True to provide clinical supervision in cervical screening.  Course participants are required to have a workplace preceptor irrespective of whether the participant is undertaking their clinical attachment in a True clinic or in their own workplace. 

The registration form for Clinical Preceptorship Endorsement must be completed and uploaded before attending the face-to-face course.

If your nominated clinical preceptor already be endorsed with True, please advise by emailing ceu@true.org.au before commencement of the course.


  • Multiple-choice, online assessment completed after the workshop with 80% pass mark required.
  • Successful completion of minimum 7 supervised cervical screens (5 speculum examinations and 2 self-collect consultations), with competency achieved. Supervised practice is recorded in your clinical portfolio, which is reviewed by one of True's nurse educators.

Clinical attachment

  •  Clinical attachment (i.e. supervised clinical practice) must be completed within 6 months of attending the workshop. This can be done either with a True-endorsed cervical screening preceptor at your own workplace or at a True clinic with one of our nurse educators. To achieve competency, a minimum of 7 cervical screens must be done under supervision and logged in the clinical portfolio.

Course outcomes

Successful participants will receive a Statement of Completion for training.

The aim of this course is to provide an opportunity for health professionals to develop cervical screening knowledge and skills. Successful completion of the course will enable healthcare professionals to be eligible to apply to their employers to expand their scope of practice and become non-medical cervical screening providers* in their workplace.

*Per the National Cervical Screening Program Quality Framework document, ‘Non-medical cervical screening providers’ is an umbrella term, used to describe all healthcare professionals who are not medical practitioners and who offer a cervical screening service. This includes Aboriginal Health Workers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Enrolled Nurses, Registered Midwives, Eligible Midwives and Endorsed Midwives.

CPD information

On successful completion of all three components (online reading, 1-day workshop, clinical attachment) of this course, participants will be awarded a Statement of Completion. This statement can be used to support a participant’s annual declaration of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours as part of their registration requirements.

Minimum CPD hours for completed training program: 23 hours

Catering information

Morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea provided throughout the day.

Supper will be provided prior to the session with the clinical teaching associates.

Payment policy

When registering to attend this course:

  • Payment must be made within 7 days of registration
  • Registration will be cancelled if payment is not received within 7 days from registration
  • Payment is required to secure a position in the course
  • Unpaid registrations will not be admitted to the course.
  • Notification of cancelled registrations will be emailed to the participant. True is not responsible for travel or other costs resulting from cancelling unpaid registrations

Cancellation fees

  • If cancelling more than 28 days prior to your confirmed course or clinical placement session, you will be refunded 85% of the original invoice amount
  • If cancelling 8-27 days prior confirmed course or clinical placement session, you will receive a 50% refund
  • No refund will be issued if you cancel 7 days or less before your course or placement.


  1. I’m a doctor looking to upskill in this area. Do I need to attend this course?  No.  However, you may find completing our short modules on Self-Collection in Cervical Screening Update and Changes to the cervical screening intermediate risk pathway beneficial to updating your cervical screening knowledge and practice.  You can also access our Cervical Screening Hub for up to date information on cervical screening in Australia under the National Cervical Screening Program. These updates are free of charge.

  2. I’m an experienced midwife or sexual health nurse with speculum experience. Do I need to attend the full course?  Yes. Unless you have had prior training and experience in cervical screening, you will need to attend the full course. The content covered is comprehensive and goes beyond the practical aspects of speculum examination.

  3. What is the difference between the face-to-face course and the distance education course? The theoretical content, assessment, and clinical attachment components of both delivery modes are the same. The difference is the workshop delivery: distance education takes place online via Zoom webinar, over one day and does not have the session with clinical teaching associates. The face-to-face workshop takes place in True’s Windsor training rooms, over 1 full day and includes a session in the clinic (5:30pm-7:30pm) with the Clinical Teaching Associates. If you are interested in attending the distance education workshop, please follow this link.

  4. What is the role of a clinical teaching associate in the course? A clinical teaching associate is a woman trained with a university to provide feedback and guidance during speculum examination from the perspective of a patient. This enables participants to hone their intimate examination skills in a safe, supportive and client-centered way. 

  5. Will I be able to perform my first cervical screen (towards my minimum 7) at the course? No. The clinical teaching associate session will enable you to perform a speculum examination in a clinically realistic setting. However, you will not perform a full cervical screen in this session. Therefore, your first cervical screen will be under the supervision of a True-endorsed clinical preceptor in your workplace or in a True clinic.

  6. Can I get an invoice sent to me so my workplace can pay for the course? Yes, as part of the online registration you can select your workplace/organisation as the “Bill To” contact and you can select either Credit Card or Invoice for payment. Please be aware that payment secures a position in the course. Failure to provide payment within 7 days from registration will result in your registration being cancelled.

  7. Where is the training held? The training is held at our Brisbane premises – 230 Lutwyche Road, Windsor, Queensland 4030. 

  8. Is there any pre-reading? Yes, there is approximately 6 hours of pre-reading for this course. The pre-reading is provided via online modules once you have successfully registered for the course.

  9. When will I receive my pre-reading? After you have successfully registered and paid for the course, you will receive your personal login to True’s Learning Management System via email. If you do not receive this email within 24 hours of successful registration, please email ceu@true.org.au.

  10. Is the pre-reading compulsory? Yes, the pre-reading is examinable material and must be completed in order to receive certification as a cervical screening provider. We encourage you to complete the pre-reading within 6 weeks of attending the theory course as the course is delivered at a level assuming prior knowledge of the pre-reading material.

  11. Does the course entitle me to be an authorised cervical screening provider in other Australian states and territories? Yes, the cervical screening program is a national program and the course content and structure is based on requirements outlined within the National Cervical Screening Program Quality Framework. The knowledge and skills you learn in the course are transferable across Australia. If in doubt, consult with your employer and medical indemnity provider.

  12. I am an authorised pap smear/cervical screening provider in another state. Do I need to attend your course to be authorised in Queensland? The National Cervical Screening Program applies across Australia. This means that certifications do transfer across states and territories in Australia. If your cervical screening practice is current and you have been consistently performing high-quality cervical screens and undertaking regular quality assurance activities, you should be able to practice in any state or territory of Australia with your prior certification.

  13. Am I required to complete the clinical attachment? Participants are required to complete clinical attachment as part of the cervical screening course with True. However, participants have the choice of completing clinical attachment in their own workplace with an endorsed preceptor or at a True clinic with one of our nurse educators. 

  14. I don’t have a suitable preceptor in my workplace. Can I still attend this course? Each participant is required to have a workplace preceptor who has been endorsed by True to provide clinical supervision in cervical screening to the course participant within their own workplace, irrespective of whether the participants are undertaking clinical attachment in a True clinic or in their own workplace. 

  15. What do I need to do to complete the clinical attachment? You need to have:

  • Uploaded an Employer Endorsement Form

  • At least one, approved and endorsed cervical screening preceptor

  • Attended the face-to-face course 

  • Passed the written assessment

  • Been given a clinical practice portfolio to record your clinical training in for later assessment/certification

  • Have a current AHPRA registration

  1. How long do I have to complete the clinical attachment? You have 6 months to complete the workplace clinical attachment following the workshop.

  2. Can I have more than one workplace preceptor? Yes, you may have as many workplace preceptors as you like. However, all preceptors must be endorsed by True via the application process.

  3. Can I attend a True training clinic to achieve my 7 cervical screens? Yes. You can undertake your clinical attachment at at True clinic (Brisbane). Availability of this option is limited and may not be available at all times. Email ceu@true.org.au as soon as possible to check availability.  Whilst every effort is made to ensure that participants have sufficient opportunities to achieve the minimum competency requirements, True cannot guarantee this. You will still require a workplace preceptor to provide you with any remaining training and supervision.

  4. Can a True clinician train me in my workplace? Yes, this option can be discussed. Participants would be required to schedule a full day of clients requiring  clinician collected cervical screening. A quote can be provided on application. Please contact: ceu@true.org.au

  5.  Cancellation fees 

  • If cancelling more than 28 days prior to your confirmed course or clinical placement session, you will be refunded 85% of the original invoice amount.

  • If cancelling 8-27 days prior confirmed course or clinical placement session, you will receive a 50% refund

  • No refund will be issued if you cancel 7 days or less before your course or placement.


Course enquiries

Clinical Education Unit (CEU)

Email:  ceu@true.org.au

Phone: (07) 3250 0200


Approximately 6 hours of self paced, online reading

1 day workshop + clinical teaching associate session 9 hours

Clinical attachment 8 hours

Total CPD hours: 23

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